1946   THEATRE ARTS 21

Semester, 1 credit

Prerequisite: None


Instruction in this course provides students with sequential learning activities designed to explore the nature of theatre and its major style periods.  In addition, students are provided with opportunities to: (1) study plays that reflect a wide variety of styles, historical periods, and cultures; (2) study the elements of play production; and (3) analyze and evaluate live theatre experiences.  Students are introduced to warm-up exercises for the body and voice, including mime, pantomime, and improvisational activities.  Students are also taught how to express thoughts, feelings, moods, and characters imaginatively through their presentation of scenes from published plays.  Using knowledge gained through the study of technical theatre and scripts, students focus on solving the problems faced by actors, directors, and technicians.  They also refine their abilities to collaborate on performances, and they learn to constructively evaluate their own and others’ efforts.