8546   U. S. GOVERNMENT 41

Semester, 1 credit

Prerequisite: None


United States Government allows students to study and evaluate the Constitution, Congress, the Executive, and Judicial branches of our national government.  In addition students discuss and apply concepts relating to state and local government.  Foreign relations will be emphasized in class.  Students will critically use primary and secondary source documents to analyze and evaluate political issues.  Students will study civil rights issues in a critical manner.  Students will be encouraged to be active participants in the political process exercising their rights and responsibilities as citizens.


Students will understand the nature of citizenship and its role in politics and government.  Students will be able to explain their rights and responsibilities in a constitutional representative democracy.  Students will acquire knowledge pertaining to the United States Constitution, how it affects them as an individual or as a member of a larger societal group.  Student recognition of the need for civic and political participation in order to preserve and improve their society and constitutional government will be gained.