GiraffeThird Grade Supply ListGiraffe


Fanny pack to carry supplies  (Please shop early as these can be difficult to find.  The luggage department is a place to check.) 1 backpack or bag (to carry things home daily)
2 boxes of Kleenex 2 boxes of 8 or 16count crayons (good quality, please)  Larger boxes don't fit in the fanny packs or school boxes.
10-15 No. 2 lead pencils (good quality wooden pencils, please!  The cheap pencils have a plastic coating that destroys our pencil sharpeners) 10 glue sticks
2 pairs of scissors (no blunt ends, lease) 2 pocket folders
2 wide ruled spiral notebooks (plastic covers work the best) 1 package of wide ruled white notebook paper
2 erasers  2 boxes of colored pencils
$6.00   This will cover the cost of:  1. an election magazine subscription   2.  The cost of the Young Author's Bare book to be used second semester.  Please do not make out checks to Sunnyside.  washable markers (optional)
One container of disinfecting wipes 1 small school box or pouch

***Don't forget gym shoes on gym day!

Please, no Trapper Keepers or three ring notebooks


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