Logo exercise:

Select a logo out of a newspaper, newsletter, magazine, from the Web that has at least two words and a symbol. Scan the logo and recreate it as vector art in InDesign/Illustrator. Make at least three variations of the logo in different color combinations. Use two or three colors for each variation. Try to use colors that are quite a bit different from the original. You may want to look at some other logo color combinations online for ideas. For example, you can make the words one color and the symbol another, or you can make each of the words a different color and the symbol a third color. Due 9-28-11. 20% point reduction each day late.

Place the original as well as the new logo color combinations on a single page and compare them.

Answer these questions (write the answers on the same page you placed the logos):

1. How did changing the color affect the look and feel of the logos?

2. Does some of the text seem more prominent now and have more emphasis than it initially did? Why?

3. What color colors did you use that made some of the text stand out more than others?

4. Why do you think the company went with their colors rather than what you came up with?

Available from: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:10 PM
Due date: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 3:55 PM