Magazine analysis (emphasis)

Select one of your favorite magazines and choose a page that you believe exhibits good use of the principle of emphasis. Scan the page. Duplicate (re-create) the page using your Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator skills and tools (practice, practice, practice). Next, copy the original page of the magazine and using your software tools, circle the specific items on the page that you think use the principle of emphasis well. Write a sentence or two within the program (comment markup) for each item (or group of items) that explains why you think this is a good use of the principle of emphasis. If applicable, also explain at what level of hierarchy each group of information is. You will submit three documents: the original, your re-creation, & a comment copy with your comments saved directly on the page.

Available from: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:25 PM
Due date: Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 3:55 PM