Upload your finished Table of Contents page as well as your Introduction Page here. 10 points.

-The Table may change as we proceed with the portfolio. You may use dividers between projects, but it is not required. Set the table up so that it is clear & very easy to follow. You may want to include your design theme here as well. Make sure you use the same fonts and other design rules as the rest of the portfolio. Check spelling and grammar.
-Your introduction page should include the purpose of the portfolio and why you chose the items you have (at least two paragraphs) or how they represent your abilities. This intro page can sometimes be as impressive as your items; do not short change yourself by thinking this is unimportant. Use this page to present your verbal skills in addition to your art skills. Most design studios need people that can write as well as draw!
Available from: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 6:25 AM
Due date: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:35 PM