This exercise is intended to get you to start thinking realistically about your future and how to get there.

1. Think about where you are now and where you'd like to be in the future (possibly your 'dream' job) and write down those thoughts. Now think about the steps (different jobs, internships, apprenticeships, hard work, long hours, etc.) it will take to get there. Make a list showing all those steps and alternate possibilities. Submit as a Word doc, pdf, or InDesign document. Your graphic can have no fewer than 5 steps or stages. (10 points)

2. Design an original chart of some type showing those steps or processes to get to your destination. You may use the internet as a resource, but make sure you submit your own work as a PDF file. Use typography, images, flowchart symbols, etc. Don't make the graphic too busy--choose a simple idea and stick with it. Remember, charts and graphics are to make an idea easier to understand. Be creative & original in your designs. (15 points)

Follow the rubric for points recording. Use the attached PowerPoint for ideas.
Available from: Thursday, January 5, 2012, 5:30 AM
Due date: Friday, January 6, 2012, 3:55 PM