Taken from Top 10 Alternatives to YouTube by David Kapuler from Tech & Learning

And as always - Remember when dealing w/ video it's important to check the content first before viewing w/ students. Educators must abide by CIPA compliance and not all video sites are safe even when using a school district's filter.


www.teachersdomain.org  Free digital media from public TV broadcasters for educational use.  Be sure to create a free online account!

Neo K-12 - All videos on this amazing site are a 100% safe. Also, there is a complete suite of educational tools for educators to choose from such as: quizzes, presentations, etc.

Qwiki www.qwiki.com- A very new (alpha) site that brings an innovative twist on video experience. While the content is still growing one can't help but notice that amount of promise that is shown here.

Explore explore.org/education - A great site similar to Discovery Streaming for educational video. A person can either view on the web or download for their own convenience.

KidsTube  http://kidstube.com    - An excellent filtered site for video content for kids.

Last modified: Monday, 23 December 2013, 3:32 PM