In order for the students to have a vested interest in maintaining the classroom rules, we first read the book, The Best School Year Ever by Barbara Robinson, discussed what behavior facilitated a positive learning environment, then constructed our classroom rules.


Democratically Elected Classroom Rules

1) No put-downs

2) Be respectful

3) Be polite

4) Listen to who is talking

5) Listen actively

6) Talk quietly



In addition to these classroom rules, we adhere to the three R's.

Respect for yourself

Respect for others

Responsibility for your actions


   For the students that choose to not follow the class and school rules, we have the following consequences:

1st consequence= Warning

2nd consequence= Sign the Behavior Log/ loss of recess

3rd consequence= Sign the Behavior Log/ loss of recess and contact parents

4th consequence= sign the Behavior Log/ Principal becomes involved/ pink slip issued