This section of Pre-Engineering is used for each of the long term projects that the class is working on.
- Teacher: Sonya Jones
- Teacher: Kelly Neal
This is a continuation of PLTW sequence which includes courses 3,4 & 5. Students must complete PLTW courses 1 & 2 before enrolling in this program. The 3rd course, Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA) uses CAD software to create working drawings of structures such as houses, buildings and bridges. Students will also learn how to use equipment for surveying and building site selection. The 4th course is Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). This course takes the students from the design process to a completed product using computer controlled equipment such as mills and robotics. Lastly the 5th class, Engineering Design and Development (EDD), is a capstone class that allows the students the freedom of choosing a year long project from concept to completion. Projects include: Super Mileage Vehicle, National robotics competitions, Architectural competitions and many others.
- Teacher: Sonya Jones
- Teacher: Kelly Neal
Project Lead The Way is a national pre-engineering program which exposes students to the various areas of engineering. The 1st course is Introduction to Engineering Design (IED). Students will use computer aided drafting software (CAD) to create 3D models and designs. They will solve design problems as well as develop and analyze their computer generated models. The 2nd course is Principle of Engineering (POE). Students will study real world engineering problems and create working models to solve those problems. An introduction to robotics gives the students an idea of how math, science and technology interact and help people. Lastly students enrolled in the NCACP level 1 class will begin working on the Super Mileage Challenge (SMC) vehicle. They will modify an existing vehicle in order to compete in the
IMSTEA Super Mileage Challenge.
IMSTEA Super Mileage Challenge.
- Teacher: Sonya Jones
- Teacher: Kelly Neal