The National Technical Honor Society has been the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in workforce education since 1984.
The New Castle Area Career Programs chapter inducted its first members in the spring of 2001. Over 300 career and technical students have been inducted into membership at New Castle.
Student candidates will be nominated by their career programs teacher based on the following criteria:
· Overall grade point average of B+ in the career programs class
· Grade point average of C+ in sending school classes
· 97% attendance rate during first semester (can only miss a total of 3 days in first semester at home school and/or in the career program class)
· Two faculty reference letters from sending school
· One personal reference letter (excludes peers, family members, or vocational teacher)
· Demonstrate leadership, honesty and responsibility
· Participate in career & technical student organization activities
· Participate in community service projects
· Demonstrate a potential for success in the student’s career field and activities outside the classroom.
The student must complete the nomination packet by the due date. A panel of judges will select the inductees based on the completion of the packet and the criteria listed above.
Students who were inducted as Juniors last year must be moninated by their instructors and meet the same criteria as first year nominees, but do not have to complete the nomination packet.