Picture of Toni Wicker
Uploading the weekly work reports
by Toni Wicker - Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 2:28 PM
When I try and download the file so I can fill it out, it says that I don't have the right program and when I ask it to use a different program it pops up, but with a bunch of weird letters...how do I fix this?!?!
Picture of Pam Koby
Re: Uploading the weekly work reports
by Pam Koby - Thursday, September 1, 2011, 9:42 AM
You probably don't have Microsoft Word to open this. Go ahead and fill out the paper (blue copy I gave you last week) and turn in the paper copy.

I'm meeting with Amelia Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 1:00 in my office. Can you meet with us then? We are going to go over the paperwork and how to upload and do these things in Google Docs. I won't count it against you for not getting this paperwork in on time for the next week. We worked on this yesterday.
Picture of Autumn Roberts
Re: Uploading the weekly work reports
by Autumn Roberts - Sunday, September 4, 2011, 4:58 PM
I opened the Weekly Work Report successfully in google dox. but it won't let me make a copy it says "error." I am not exactly sure what is going on.
Picture of Samantha Schultz
Re: Uploading the weekly work reports
by Samantha Schultz - Sunday, September 4, 2011, 5:12 PM

So, I was able to open it, save it and , make it so its correct for my schedule but i have no clue how to download it. help!