Choice Activity

The choice activity allows you to create polls from within your course.

Adding a Choice

To add a choice activity, you will need to first turn editing on. Add the choice activity from the "Add an activity..." drop-down menu in the section where you would like the choice to reside.

Add Activity

You will then see the following page:

Add Choice

The Choice Name entry box is where you name your choice poll. This title will appear in your course as a link to the choice poll.

The Choice Text is where you may put instructions for the choice poll. The information you enter will appear above the poll choices. Note that the HTML editor is present, so you may add images, styled text, etc.

Scroll down and you will see the Limit section. You will see the Limit the number of responses allowed setting. This will allow you to limit the number of response for one of your poll choices. For example, if you have a poll choice of 'Red', you can set a limit on how many people can select 'Red'.


Scroll down and you can enter your poll choices.


If you need more choices for your poll, simply click the 'Add 3 fields to form' button.

Scroll down and you will see some more options.

Choice settings

You can set your poll to open and close at specific dates. In the Miscelllaneous Settings, you can set Display Mode to 'Display vertically' if you would like your poll to look like a traditional poll with the choices displayed vertically.

Publish results allows your students to see the poll results.

Allow choice to be updated allows students to change their choice selection after they submit it.

Show column for unanswered will display a list of students who have not completed the poll.

Scroll down and click 'Save and display'.

Save display

Now you will be taken to your choice activity.

Choice added

For more information about the Choice activity, see pages 206-209 in Using Moodle.
Last modified: Monday, December 23, 2013, 3:32 PM