Computer Science and the Internet

HTML Code Tutorial -- Very nice introduction to HTML
An Introduction to HTML (Table of Contents) -- Very nice site for anyone who wants to learn more about HTML
HTML Made Easy -- Designing a web page?...good place to start
The Barebones Guide to HTML -- Even has a download on codes

The PC Guide -- Everything you wanted to know about your PC, and more...fascinating!
Hardware Central -- Everything you need to know about computer hardware, including building you own PC
PC Mechanic -- PC Hardware, software and troubleshooting...Excellent!
Computer Hardware Links -- A VERY BIG list of computer hardware links
PC Magazine Online -- A great reference for software, hardware and more!

C Programming Courseware -- A wonderful way to learn about C programming...excellent resource
Introduction to Programming Using Java -- Informative infomation on Java...more for college level students 

Last modified: Monday, December 23, 2013, 3:32 PM